Lang Lang: Life is All About Music【3】--美国频道--人民网

Lang Lang: Life is All About Music【3】

By Joanna Law

2012年11月15日09:59        手机看新闻

Mr. Lang shared with the audience about his passion in music and music education. Photo by Linyao Tang/ People's Daily Online

Music is Philanthropic

Mr. Lang established a charitable organization called Lang Lang International Music Foundation in 2004, aiming to promote music education. He called his charitable works as his second career.

Many people told him that classical music is dull and outdated. Mr. Lang always replies using Shakespeare as an example: the reason why so many people still read his works is because they are timeless. “They have their values,” he said.

The mission of the foundation is to increase children’s knowledge about the fun and values of music, so that not only do they have the opportunity to “watch a concert but to physically learn something and get involved in playing music.”

“It’s challenging, but it’s meaningful, because music opens their hearts; it opens their feelings, and it opens their creativity,” he said.



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