Sitting in between a grand piano and Professor Peter Susser, Director of Undergraduate Musicianship and the moderator of the event, Mr. Lang shared his first impression of music as a child. Photo by Linyao Tang/ People's Daily Online
Practice Makes Improvements
Nothing can be accomplished without spending effort. Mr. Lang understood this maxim since young. And he felt lucky that he was able to recognize its importance early.
Every day, he would practice piano techniques, but not just that, as he refused to be a copycat of other musicians. His own feelings and emotions must be added in. Mr. Lang emphasized that he is more of an interpreter of the pieces of music then just a performer. “The world doesn’t need to have another pianist. We must respect the style, but at the same time, we must have our own voice in music in interpretation,” he said.
A good piece of music, he said, is something that connects audience to the performer. A performance cannot be called as a whole if the musician finds no bonding with audience. And only through practicing can musicians get to that stage. Diligence allows Mr. Lang to accomplish that. “In a great performance, you will find that you are totally in the music, and you will find that music carries you to a different musical planet,” he said.