New York Wines Going East【2】--美国频道--人民网

New York Wines Going East【2】

By Joanna Law, Xiaole Dong, Shu Xu, Jianmin Ren

2012年11月22日06:55        手机看新闻

California vs. New York

But when it comes to the U.S. wines, most people would think of Napa Valley, California. The trip to the wineries there is almost like a pilgrimage to a lot of tourists. But for those who come to New York, rarely would the 4000-acre wineries come to their mind. And Long Island has fewer vineyards in comparison to Nappy Valley. While there are about 400 wineries with tasting rooms in Napa, only 42 total in Long Island open to public.

But the Long Island wines have their specialty.

A winemaker was demonstrating the process of wine fermentation. Photo by Jianmin Ren/ People's Daily Online

Because of the climate difference, the fact that New York is relatively colder than the West coast makes it difficult to grow certain types of grapes, such as Cabernet Sauvignon. The wines from the Long Island are lighter than California wines. But Cabernet Franc, a parent of Cabernet Sauvignon, is the signature grape in the region.

“California wines are very robust and very big style. But ours are very elegant and more in keeping with the European tradition,” Mr. Silver said.

And red wine is almost the exclusive choice for Chinese people, while white wine tends to be ignored. Powerful flavor, higher alcohol percentage, and darker color – all these seem to make a good impression to Chinese customers.



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