
Americans upset about government shutdown

Joanna Law

2013年10月08日09:08    来源:人民网    手机看新闻

The US Federal government’s shutdown enters its third day, and it’s likely that it will go on for longer since Democrats and Republicans still fail to come to agreement. People’s Daily interviewed several Americans to see what their opinions were.

New Yorker Mike told People’s Daily that he found it disappointing that the outcome turned out to be like this. With the economy slowly reviving, he said that the decision of shutting down the government was “absolutely reckless” to all American citizens. “We are all suffering for it,” he said.

“I hope that they will come to consensus soon. I support the President. I think he’s right, and I think that for the good of all American people they should come to a decision soon, “he said.

Another New Yorker Jonathan described to People’s Daily that the Republicans, House of Representative, and Congressmen are “extreme cold hearted and uncooperative people.”

“They have no right to force the government to shut down,” he said. “I feel bad for those who are losing crucial services.”

And he found it upsetting that people cannot visit places such as state parks and memorials. “There’s going to be a lot of suffering for the country,” he said.

The two shutdowns that occurred in 1995 and 1996 lasted a total of 27 days.


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