A Musical Marathon that Advocates Non-violence--美国频道--人民网

A Musical Marathon that Advocates Non-violence

By Coca Xie, Joanna Law

2013年05月15日04:30        手机看新闻

In response to recent tragedies in Boston, Newtown, and around the world, an international coalition of musicians last week presented a 4-hour marathon concert in New York City, using melodies as a way to voice out the message of non-violence.

“In the wake of countless violent tragedies happening around the world, we hope that this concert will play a vital role in encouraging more music making – more intense than ever – at every level of society. In addition, as musicians we want to share our gifts, our passions, and bring something beautiful and wonderful to this world,”said Ms. Tong Chen, the producer and conductor who organized the event.

The concert, started from 8p.m. and ended after 1a.m., took place at the Church of the Heavenly. The evening was represented by music of different kinds and genres, including Chamber, Choral, Organ, Orchestral, and Jazz music.

Audience members were free to come and go during the concert, but around 100 of them stayed all through the concert. The music marathon rounded up with a full orchestra performing Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5, the 3rd and the 4th movements.

When asked if she has plan for a concert in response to the recent earthquakes in Sichuan, China, Ms. Chen, originally from Shanghai, told People’s Daily Online that she would love to consider organizing a music event dedicated to the victims and disaster relief workers there.


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