
2016年10月08日10:12  来源:人民网-美国频道

    据Aapress报道,周四,美国华人精英组织百人会(Committee of 100) 发布声明,对福克斯新闻记者沃特斯在节目中嘲弄华人表示愤怒,要求该节目主持人奥莱利(Bill O’Reilly)和沃特斯公开道歉。百人会在声明中指出, 沃特斯的节目是“残酷的种族歧视”。受采访的华人被作弄,百人会希望能听到这些受访者的声音,他们可能有机会对节目制作者提出法律诉讼。

      百人会指出,当前中国正成为政治讨论中的严肃话题,同时亚裔成为增长最快的少数族裔。奥莱利的时事节目O’Reilly Factor 使用各种偏见来嘲弄唐人街的居民。这些偏见包括,亚裔不是真正的美国人,亚洲人和亚裔都太成功和抢占一切,亚裔都是功夫专家。

      百人会表示,所有人都应该有幽默感,为好玩的事情开怀大笑, 但这个节目只是重复陈腔滥调,再一次把亚裔当作笑料。大众媒体如何描绘亚裔影响了公众的态度。亚裔在学校、工作场合、社区里能否被平等接受,决定于大众文化如何描绘他们。



Committee of 100 Expresses Anger About Fox News

‘Watters World’ segment on Chinatown

(New York, NY, Oct. 5, 2016) — Committee of 100 (C100) expresses anger about the Fox Television O’Reilly Factor feature entitled ‘Watters’ World: Chinatown edition’, broadcast on the evening of October 3. It was crudely racist. The individuals who were depicted appear to have been taken advantage of. C100 seeks to hear from the Chinatown residents who were shown on the program, who may have legal recourse against the producers.

At a time when China is a serious subject of policy discussion, and Asian Americans are the fastest growing racial minority group, the O’Reilly Factor segment mocks Chinatown residents using every stereotype. These included the notions that Asian Americans are not real Americans; that Asians and Asian Americans are too successful and taking over; and that Asians are martial arts experts.

Like all Americans, C100 expects better of our opinion leaders. All of us should have a sense of humor and be able to laugh at what is funny, but this piece only repeated cliches and made Asians once again the butt of the joke. Mass media portrayals of Asian Americans affect public attitudes. Whether Asian Americans are accepted as equals in school, at work, and in their neighborhoods, depends on how popular culture depicts them.

C100 calls upon Bill O’Reilly and Jesse Watters to apologize. C100 also appeals to sponsors, many of which no doubt do business in China or with Asian American consumers, to consider whether to support this xenophobic broadcast.

The Committee of 100 is a non-partisan leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans in business, government, academia, and the arts. For over 25 years, the Committee has been committed to a dual mission of promoting the full participation of Chinese Americans in all fields of American life, and encouraging constructive relations between the peoples of the United States and Greater China.
